CSS Beautifier and Formatter
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What is Online CSS Formatter?
CSS Formatter is a free online tool for formatting CSS code and beautifying it to make it more readable. CSS is one of the major components of a web project. It controls the visual part of a website and has a simple syntax where you add your properties and values within curly brackets under a CSS selector class, id, tag, or attribute. Even though it has an easy syntax, it will be hard to manage your CSS code if it is not formatted properly.
To increase the readability of your CSS code, you can use this tool as a CSS beautifier. It has minimal configuration where you only set the indent size. The default value is 2, but you can set it between 1 to 5 from the list before clicking "Format". Other options are not revealed because the main aim is to create a tool with minimal configuration and maximum performance.
One of the most important things about unformatted CSS code is that it becomes easier to make a syntax error if the code is not formatted. Any typo will make your code useless, and your styles on your page will be missing. Sometimes, it is hard to find these typos, and one of the advantages of this tool is that it shows the line number of the errors if your code is not valid.
Here, you can see the difference between raw CSS code vs. formatted CSS code. It becomes easy to read when you format the code to a standard.
How to use Online CSS Formatter?
CSS code can be formatted or beautified by following the steps below:
- Enter your CSS code into the input field.
- Set the indent size to define how much space will be added before properties. The default is 2 spaces, but you can change it if needed. The most common values are 2 or 4 spaces.
- Click "Format" to start the formatting process. It will parse your CSS code and warn you if there is a syntax error. If your code is valid, it rearranges and beautifies the CSS. You can copy the result or download it as a file based on your needs.